Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Are Wuxi China Expats Heartless?

Duston Short, the Wuxi China Expatdom Midget Sumo Wrestling Champion and an English Teacher with a high rate of absenteeism,  claims that Wuxi Expats are heartless.

In an exclusive interview with the Wuxi China Expatdom Enquirer, Short said that not once had any Wuxi Expat offered their condolences to him when any of his great-grandparents, his five grandparents, parents, step-parents, thirty uncles and aunts had died.

Short also said that his managers had never once shown any concern when he called in sick to work.  "A simple "hope you get better!" would be a lot better than this weird surly silence I usually detect when I have to call in sick to work!" complained Short, who added that it would be nice too if people didn't yell at him at him all the time and say he was lazy.


  1. Duston Short's usual sentence-order diction appears to have changed....strange.

    Some Expats are possibly more 'head-less', than heartless. And they will be head-less if Chief Inspector Harry Callahan gets hold of them.

  2. uston Short's usual sentence-order diction appears to have changed....strange.

    I think someone edited his word. God didn't bless Duston Short will eloquence.
