Wuxi China Expatdom Archduke Harry Moore, currently on the surface of Mars with the Zhanshen Six Mission, has completed the first ever dictionary of the Martian language for English and Mandarin speakers.
For the Archduke, it was but one month from the conception of the idea of the dictionary to its final completion on Wednesday of last week. The English-Mandarin-Martian Dictionary contains over a million Martian words from all forty-five of its dialects. The Archduke completed the massive undertaking in about 27 days by working day and night, only taking time off to drink some water and make love to his wife Mrs. Miss Moneypenny. "When you realize that the Archduke had to first master Mandarin before he could even start the dictionary, the feat becomes even more amazing to us mortal beings!" said Noah Webster, the author of the Webster's Dictionary, who currently lives in the WCE.
The Archduke says he got the idea to write the dictionary from his wife the Archduchess Mrs. Miss Moneypenny. "She has been reading Boswell's Life of Johnson and has been daring me to top the great Doctor's feat of writing a dictionary of English Language by himself!" said the Archduke.
Now that he had finished his dictionary of the Martian language and dialects, Archduke Moore says there will be no rest. "My darling Moneypenny also wants me to top Doctor Johnson's feats as a poet, an essayist, a moralist, a literary critic, a biographer, and an editor as well before we head back to the planet Wuxi China Expatdom."
"Depend upon it Sir!" said the Archduke. "Behind every man who aspires has a woman pushing him!"
The Archduke is not the only member of the Zhanshen Six Martian Mission crew engaged in literary efforts. Command module pilot Lloyd Bridges is writing a history of the Martians. Chief Engineer Fred Minkleman is writing a guide to making Martian cocktails. The driver of the Martian Cruiser Harry Callahan is writing a series of Detective Novels featuring the character Mister Marspole. Martian module pilot Gregory Peck is editing the Jane's Guide to Martian Aircraft. The Archduchess Mrs. Miss Moneypenny will be the chief editor of the online Martian version of Cosmopolitan.
The English-Mandarin-Martian Dictionary will be available at all Wuxi China Expatdom bookstores and on the Harry Moore App after the Spring Festival.
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