Monday, August 13, 2012

Zanshen 6 Commander Archduke Harry Moore And Crew: "All Systems Go For Mars Mission"

          Crew-members of the Wuxi China Expatdom's bold Zanshen 6 Mars Mission,
have reported that they and the Command Module are on-track for their arrival on the planet Mars in September. The six Expatdom-men, - trail blazers all, have signalled the Expatdom's CAPCOM, via downlink, that everything is going swell.

          Mission Commander Archduke Harry Moore took with him every mission-to-Mars DVD movie ever filmed,  aboard the space-rocket. "I'm reviewing these films to glean details that we'll need for the touch-down", he radioed. "These movies contain a wealth of authentic information. They feature data that is factual and 100% accurate, and I am relying-heavily upon them", he continued.

          Archduke Harry Moore says that the most authoritative movies included in the 25, 987 he stowed aboard are: Mars Monster X Strikes Back;  Abbott And Costello Go To Mars;  Robinson Caruso On Mars (a musical);  Santa Claus Konkers The Martians;  The Troll-Beast From Mars, and
The Day The Earth Looked Stupid.
          Commanders Gregory Peck, and Loyd Bridges, are prepping their fellow crewmates with
the correct terminology essential for space-missions. This phraseology includes
axis-alignmentpartially-polarized exponential pulsesamplititude-modulation; interferometry;
wave-band 23 gigahurts, and of course the crucial AOS (acquisition-of-signal, in lay-Expat vernacular).

          Squad Commander Detective Chief Inspector Harry Callahan has been testing his arsenal of the weaponry, - laser blasters and photon torpedoes, that he needs to neutralise the felonious, hostile punk-creatures that inhabit the red planet. Commander DCI Callahan said that he also intends to blast the Face On Mars to smithereens while he's at it.

          The most-recent message received at the Expatdom's Mission Control Facility, (in the Hong-shi Road Complex), were that status-checks are optomised, and that the capsule's 3-dimensional global-communications "are go".

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