Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wuxi China Expatdom Archduke says the Naturist and the Nudist should be friends

Wuxi China Expatdom Archduke Harry Moore told the WCE Blog interviewer that the Naturist and the Naturist should be friends.  Sang the Archduke to the WCE Blog: "Oh, the Naturist and the Nudist be friends.  The Naturist likes to do some work, the Nudist likes to chase a cow, but that's no reason why they can't be friends!"

Asked why such groups with disparate life philosophies should be friends, Archduke Moore reiterated and sang:  "Wuxi Expats should stick together, Wuxi Expats should all be pals. Nudists dance with Naturists' daughters; Naturists dance with the Nudists' gals.

A representative of the Nudists, accompanying the Archduke told the WCE Blog :  "I'd like to say a word for the Nudist.  He come out to the Expatdom because he wanted to make a lot of changes.  He come out to the Expatdom and built a lot of fences."

A representative of the Naturists, also present then said: "And built 'em right across our cattle ranges!"

The Representative of the Nudists then told the WCE Blog that "the Nudist is a good and thrifty citizen, no matter what the Naturist says of things.  You seldom see 'em drinkin' in a bar room!"

To which the Naturist representative retorted:  "Unless somebody else is buyin drinks."

Arhcduke Harry Moore, trying to make peace, sang: "But the Naturist and the Nudist should be friends.  Oh, the Nudist and the Naturist should be friends.
The Naturist ropes a cow with ease, the Nudist steals her butter and cheese, but that's no reason why they can't be friends.  Wuxi Expats should stick together.
Wuxi Expats should all be pals. Nudists dance with Naturists' daughters; Naturists dance with the Nudists' gals."

The Nudist Representative then said "I'd like to say another word for the Nudist, the road he treads is difficult and stoney.  He rides for days on end with just a pony for a friend."

To which the Naturist representative retorted:  "I sure am feelin' sorry for the pony!"

Archduke Moore then chided the Naturist, telling him that " the Naturist should be sociable with the Nudist if he rides by and asks for food and water. Don't treat him like a louse and make him welcome in your house." 

To which the Naturist replied "But I will be sure that I lock up my wife, pets, cigars, DVDs, my copies of the Poolside Harry Moore, my liquor and my daughters!"

Pleadingly Archduke Moore ended the Interview by singing  "Wuxi Expats should stick together.  Wuxi Expats should all be pals.  Nudists dance with Naturists' daughters; Naturists dance with the Nudists' gals!"

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