Saturday, May 24, 2014

Harry Moore Receives A Note From Moscow


  1. Saint Archduke Sir Harry Moore EmeritusMay 26, 2014 at 12:33 AM

    Hey , Joe, - F*#@ - OFF!

  2. Be nice. The way to deal with evil people is to be nice to them. Don't get them mad because they may hurt you. You wouldn't want that now? Would you?

  3. Dear Mr Obama,
    - we all agree with you, up to a point. But, can I relate a cautionary tale to you?
    (just gather round, yes, Barack, sit down on the floor there, in front, good).

    Barack, there was this sweet little girl. She had a dear sweet old grandma. The old grandma lived in a cottage in the forest.
    But along came a very, very bad wolf, named Joe. (yes, you remember him, that same wolf in the movie, dancing with Kevin Costner). And he (the wolf, not Kevin Costner) gobbled-up dear old grandma. But that little girl saw that her dear old grandma had been gobbled-up. So she said to the uncle Joe wolf, "you fooled me once, Joe....."
