Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wuxi China Expatdom Monkey voters give Sensible Monkeys a parliamentary majority.

Wuxi China Expatdom Monkey voters gave the Sensible Monkey Party a majority of seats in the first ever Wuxi China Expatdom Monkey parliamentary elections. 

The Sensible Monkeys got 167 seats in the 308 seat Wuxi China Expatdom Monkey Parliament.  Monkey Harper, leader of the Sensible Monkeys, will be the Wuxi China Expatdom's first ever Monkey Prime Minister.

The Chimpanzee Cooperative Federation earned opposition party status winning 102 seats.  Monkey Layton will be the leader of the official opposition.

The Liberal Monkey Party won only 34 seats.  The result was a humiliation for the party and its leader Monkey Iggy.  Monkey Iggy didn't even win the seat in his riding, and so announced his resignation.  When the campaign had started, the Liberal Monkeys were confident that they would head a coalition government with the CCF.

The Bloc Baboon won only 4 seats.  Monkey Savard, the Bloc Baboon leader, resigned.  The poor showing was a jolt to the Baboon separatist movement.

The Green Monkeys won one seat.  However, the leader of the Green Monkeys, Al Gorilla has yet to produce a long-term birth certificate proving he is a gorilla, and may in fact been ineligible for election.

At Sensible Monkey election headquarters, Prime Minister-elect Monkey Harper said that Monkey voters have decided to adopt the sensible economic policies of the Wuxi China Expat humans and aliens like Mango and Gorzo.

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