Monday, February 14, 2011

King of Wuxi China Expats cancels dinner with Barack Obama

Gorzo the Mighty, King of Wuxi Expats, has announced that he has cancelled a state dinner he was to have had with President Barack Obama at the White House this Saturday evening.
"Seeing how he is the president of the USA and all, I thought it was important that I accept his invitation.  But he would keep changing his mind about what food would be served.  First he said fish.  Then he said chicken.  Then he said chicken and fish.  Then he said he said salad.  But he couldn't make up his mind about what dressings could be put on.  Then he worried about the order that the courses would be served.  First, the chicken should be served right away.  Then he said that maybe there should be an appetizer.  Then maybe the beef and fish should be served together.  And then he went Hamlet when deciding what beers or wines should be served.  Oy Vey!  You'd have thought we were having fifteen dinners at one time and he wanted to get his positioning on them all right.   Either that or he wanted to be seen eating fifteen different ways.  I couldn' figure it out.  I got frustrated and said what about McDonalds or Pizza? and he said that while it was okay to have some of that kind of food now and then, and that he understood the urges of folks to eat that kind of food that one should understand how many of these restaurants were financed and how they exploited workers even though it was understandable that they needed workers....  I decided I rather spend my Saturday evening with the Misses Gorzos."