Thursday, March 20, 2014

News that Andis Kaulins will Surf Big Wave at 4 pm Prompts World's Longest Spontaneous Congas

                                                            "  Ole Ole,  Ole Ole,
                                                                Ole Ole,  Ole Ole,
                                                                AK AK,  AK AK,
                                                                AK AK,  AK AK,

                                                        Feelin' HOT HOT HOT!   "


  1. I'm going to paint a series of portraits of Andis Kaulins.

    But first, I'm gonoing to buss him all over, he is such a cutie.

  2. Get in line, Grandma!

  3. Archduke Harry MooreMarch 22, 2014 at 3:06 AM

    - "What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an Angel! in apprehension how like a god! "

    - Literary scholars, and me, have conclusively proved that Shakespeare was referring to Andis Kaulins when he penned these lines. It is a fact.

  4. The greatest Conga Line of all time took place in Amarilla, Texas after the Archduke's movie lecture about films about the Alamo.

    Eight million Texans and their horses formed a line that went for the top to Texas to the Rio Grande.

  5. Pardon me.

    I meant to type from the top of Texas to the Rio Grande.

    I ain't one for doing editing.

    Many apologies and pardons.

  6. I am still an ardent admirer of Archduke Sir Harry Moore.

    Andis Kaulins is just a passing fancy on the part of some flighty women.

  7. Does anyone else see Julien Felsenburgh in the top photo?

  8. Do you mean 'Julian' Felsenburgh, that charismatic

    No, can't see him there. Is Julien Felsenburgh a woman?
