Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sexpats' Departure from WCE "A Mystery": Archduke Harry Moore

Wuxi China Expatdom,  Saturday March 30
      - Expatdom officials have confirmed media reports of a large-scale exodus of sexpats, from
the Wuxi environs.  It is believed that fewer than two sexpats remain within the entire region, a government spokesperson said.

       - Archduke Harry Moore, the well-known gadfly who was leading a chorus of anti-sexpatism
only a few days ago, is unable to explain the phenomenon.
"I don't understand it at all", he mused.  "Neither the Task Force nor any law-enforcement officers
had time to begin investigations at all. Nobody even identified any practicing-sexpats. But, it seems that sometime overnight, they've all packed-up and left, of their own accord", said Moore. "They obviously preferred to be somewhere else", he said.

        - "We can all relax now", he sighed, "and return to wholesome Expat pursuits such as surfing,
dining-out at KFC, and, firing ten thousand rounds of ammo before breakfast each morning!".

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