Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wuxi China Expatdom DVD Appreciation Society says Nuclear Programme built for peaceful purposes

Spokesman for the Wuxi China Expatdom DVD Appreciation Society, Mahmoud Safari said that their nuclear programme was for peaceful purposes and  that allegations, made by the Wuxi China Expatdom Dick Van Dyke Appreciation Society, that they were building Nuclear Weapons were "utterly false."  They further asserted that the right to nuclear energy was their undisputable right and that the Wuxi China Expatdom Dick Van Dyke Appreciation Society had better not use lies, political pressure or military pressure to stop them from their lawful right.

Asked why an organization that meet bi-weekly to discuss DVDs should have a nuclear programme, Safari said the energy needs of the Wuxi China Expatdom Dick Van Dyke were more than what the uninitiated might be lead to expect.

Asked about rhetoric coming from certain quarters of the Wuxi China Expatdom DVD Appreciation Society that they should destroy the Dick Van Dykers; that the Wuxi China Expatdom Dick Van Dyke Appreciation Society should be wiped off the map; that the false WCEDVDAS should be wiped from the page of time; and that the Dick Van Dykers were Germs; Safari said that rhetoric was hyperbolic and nothing more.  "Given the tension," added Safari, "that exists between us, the pure and the good WCEDVDAS, and the other WCEDVDAS which eats babies, tries to steal our Harry Moore Appearance, worships the Devil and the former King of Wuxi, and wants to enslave us and assault our daughters in beastly fashion, our fine and decent members can be forgiven for a itsy-bitsy tiny modicum of intemperate talk!"

Tension between the two appreciation societies, which share the same acronym: WCEDVDAS, has been at a critical level since it was discovered that a booking conflict existed where Wuxi China Expatdom Film Appreciation Society President Harry Moore was scheduled to speak at both of their grand conventions at the same time and date.

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