Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wuxi China Expatdom's Minister Of Colonies Bans French Cinema Smut

Harry Moore, the WCE's Minister of Colonies, has set-out on a crusade
to eradicate all French movies. He said that his campaign would only take-place in the Expatdom's colonies. "I've no jurisdiction here in the Wuxi China Expatdom as regards what Expats want to watch at the cinema, but there'll be no more French
movies allowed in the Colonies".

"Let me make it clear though", he said, "I've got nothing against the French as-such. They are probably good people. But they can't play cricket; their cars are ugly old clunkers; their food is inedible, and, as for their movies - it behooves me to call it 'cinema', 100% depravity!".

"Sir David Lean never resorted to cheap, disgusting screenplays. French movies are riddled with it. In the WCE's Colonies, I'm allowing a period of grace for Expats to hand-in any French dvds or videotapes. After that, there'll be no mercy!".

Harry Moore said that any film directed by Francois Truffaut will be at the top of his hate-list. "And", he continued, "the following so-called
actors are in my sights: - Bridgitte Bardot, Gerard Depardieu, Yves St Laurent,
and Alain Delon". "French movies on DVD will be boxed and shipped back to Paris".

Andis Kaulins, the English Teacher, expressed suprise at the ferocity of Harry Moore's anti-French wrath. "Whilst I agree in principle with the Minister of Colonies, I don't think that Maurice Chevalier is a corrupting influence on the youth of the Expatdom. Except that he couldn't sing properly".

"No, not much of a crooner", said Harry Moore, "I mean, what on earth
does 'sank 'eavens' mean anyway?".