Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wuxi Expat wants to marry the Moresky 360 Building

Michael Furey, a Wuxi Expat from Ireland, has fallen in love with Wuxi's Moresky 360 Building, and wants to marry it.

Furey, an English Teacher working at English Fungus School, says it was love at first sight for him when he first laid his eyes on the 209m tall building in 2010. "Since then, I have been able to fondle, kiss, grope and caress all her 48 floors. It is my dream to one day be able to straddle her 29m tall spire." said Furey.

Furey told the WCE Blog that he had filed an application for a wedding license with the Wuxi China Expatdom Marriage Bureau.

Gabriel Conroy, spokesman for the WCE Marriage Bureau, says he may not be able to grant a wedding license to Furey. "The Moresky 360 Building belongs to the locals, and we would be infringing on their sovereignty if we permitted Furey to marry it." said Conroy in an exclusive interview with the WCE Blog.

Drinking Mates of Furey say he has threatened suicide if he cannot marry his dear, dear Moresky.

The Wuxi China Expatdom is the only jurisdiction in the world to permit Human -- Inanimate Object marriage.

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