Sunday, March 13, 2011

McClusky composes first official poem as Wuxi China Expatdom Poet Laureate

Alfred Lord McClusky, the poet laureate of the Wuxi China Expatdom, has composed and recited his first official Expatdom poem.  He did so at a brief ceremony attended by Gorzo the Mighty, King of the Expatdom;  Expatdom Prime Minister Mango; Official Leader of Gorzo's loyal opposition Nudist party Iggy Poop; and Fred Minkleman, owner of Gambay's Pub,  acting in role of private Expatdom subject.
It was the Mighty Gorzo's ceremonial duty to bestow the official Poet Laureate sash, provided by Minkleman, on McClusky.  After the bestowing, The Expatdom's Poet Laureate immediately burst into tears of gratitude.  Once he was able to compose himself, McClusky said the following:
To be naked with you
is a dream come true.
But is not as exciting,
as Gorzo being my King.
All who attended agreed it was a fine ode, appropriate for the occasion.  Asked if the "you" in the ode was Mango, McClusky blushed and said "that's a secret, like Cherry Soda's age!"
Fred Minkleman said the poem showed the character of McClusky.  "For a poet, he a man of few words.  But when he says something, it is almost in meter, and is quite profound and stirring."


  1. I am not sure. From what has been written about him, what do you think?

  2. No, I don't believe he was.

    Based on the above description, I think he
    came here directly from the Las Vegas Hilton!
