Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wuxi China Sexpat Party Leader thinks Obama is from the Planet Avatar

John Hefner, leader of the Wuxi Sexpat Party, told Orient Express in a special Women's Day interview that he thinks that U.S. President Obama is from the Planet Avatar.
Hefner said that he and his personal masseuse were watching Obama's speech about the Missing Wuxi China Expats when "Cherry noticed that Obama's lips were blue."  "I saw what she was talking about and it got me to postulating.  Perhaps, the birthers were wrong to look in Africa for a birth certificate.  What they need to do is start a space program and fly to the Birth Registry on the Planet Avatar." 
Hefner swore he  wasn't "a birther or a truther or a Kennedy assassination conspiracy enthusiast, or suffering from Obama or Palin or Bush Derangement syndrome."

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