Here are the best places in the Wuxi Expatdom for them to do this:
- Dorothy Chandler Pavilion of Gambay's Pub in the 1912 Bar District. With a seating capacity of 60,000 people and easy world-wide broadcast capability, this is the place to publicly consummate your love for your spouse in the WCE.
- Santiago Cafe main entrance. Located on one of Wuxi, China's main thoroughfares, having sex here can guarantee that many see you get your rocks off.
- Wuxi Landlords Stadium, Malaysia Development Zone. With a seating capacity of 3,000,000, and good sight lines, this is the best place to have a live audience watch your every move.
- Harry Moore Memorial Square Platinum. Over a billion people can fill this square at one time. unfortunately, it has bad sight lines.
- Harry Mooer Memorial Square Gold. Better sight lines that HMMS Platinum but has a smaller capacity of only 750 million.
- Harry Moore Memorial Square Silver. Go here only i f the other squares are occupied.. Capacity for only 500 million people.
- Wuxi China Expatdom Football Grounds. The ingenuously constructed stadium here allows 250,000 spectators to be close to the action.
- Intersection of Zhongshan Road and Xueqian Roads. One of Wuxi's busiest intersections is monitored by traffic police so there is no worry about being run over.
- The top of the 8888m golden statue of Harry Moore on the grounds of the Wuxi Expat Hall of Fame. The statue can be seen from anywhere in the Expatdom.
- The meat section of Carrefour Supermarket in the Baoli Shopping Mall. You can entertain the locals as they line up for chicken's feet.