Friday, August 26, 2011

Former King of Wuxi would rather fight than change his undershorts.

Guantanamo Bay 2 Detention Facility, Hans Island, Canada (GB2DFHIC): The Ayatollah of Mordor, former King and Tyrant of the Wuxi China Expatdom, says he would rather fight than switch his undershorts which he says has worn in the two years since he was deposed as the King of the Wuxi China Expatdom by a popular revolution. He says he will only change them when he is "rightfully" restored to the Expatdom Kingship.

Blakelock, warden of GB2DFHIC says the Ayatollah, who is awaiting trial for crimes against humanity, caramel, good taste, and chocolate, refuses to take off his undershorts. "We can't determine," said Blakelock, "if he has caramel balls in his underpants that he doesn't want us to know about, or if he likes the sticky feeling of dry feces in his naughty area. We have warned him about the health dangers of this practice but he doesn't care. He rather fight the handlers than submit to taking baths or daily clothes changes. One time he said "I'd rather fight den switch off my underhausen! He also said "when I am again King, I will bring change! He also has been wearing that hideous piece of chocolate under his nose. I wish he would stop -- he is looking like Hitler!"


  1. So, he is making covert plans for a restoration, is he?

  2. Oh, and also, if any of his old loyalists are still planning to aid and abett any restoration plans, I think they ought to see a movie he was in, (before he was dethroned, and ran-off back to Manitoba).

    He was lolling around in a little boat. He looked just like the Queen of Sheba, making a stately regal-cruise down the Euphrates.

    Wasn't saying much, at first, just ruminating and muttering to himself. But then, ohhh, he began his "When I Rule The World!" speech.
    You betcha it was scary watching that movie!

    Maybe I might be able to find that film somewhere in the WCE archives........

  3. When it come to the Ayatollah of Mordor, we, the decent portion of humanity, must be ever vigilant.

    Thank you Sir Dirt for your suggestion. The film would serve as a warning.
