Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wuxi Expat English Teacher gets Diarrhea

Sunday Evening, Duston Short, the Wuxi China Expatdom Sumo Midget Wrestling Champion and an English Teacher, now working at Woben English, announced to the patrons of the Chestnut Pub that he had gotten a bad case of diarrhea and probably wasn't going to be able to go to work on Monday.
"I think I got the runs after eating at a Xinjiang Restaurant and then at McDonald's" said Short, who though short at Five foot Six makes up for his diminutiveness with 200 pounds of squatness.  "As well, I got an uncle dying that I am worried about.  And so there is nothing that can be done about it, I am going to have to stay in bed tomorrow."
Short who has worked for every English School there ever was in Wuxi, has recently been fired by Leprosy and more recently Deceit International English.

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