Sunday, November 13, 2011

30,000 killed in Libya after broadcast of Wuxi China Expatdom Film Appreciation Society President's Speech

A broadcast of Wuxi China Expatdom Film Appreciation Society President Harry Moore's speech to the Des Moines, Iowa Chamber of Commerce resulted in the death of 30,000 people in Libya.  The recording of the broadcast was broadcast to promote Moore's Middle Eastern Movie Oration Tour.

Viewers of the speech in the Libya became so taken with Moore's speech that they rushed out to the streets and formed long conga-lines of celebration.  Some, however, brought their automatic weapons with them and fired them in the air to celebrate.  This resulted in a few hundred killed, but then the gunfire was interpreted by others as being started by forces that had been loyal to Mommar Qaddafi, and so a full battle broke out.

Spokesmen for the Libyan National Transitional Council blamed the resulting battle on segments of Libyan Film Appreciators who were loyal to Quentin Tarantino. 

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