Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wuxi China Expat confused about his sexuality

Wuxi China Expatdom Midget Sumo Wrestling Champion Duston Short is confused about his sexuality.  Coming to the Wuxi China Expatdom from Ontario, Canada, Short told the Wuxi China Expatdom Blog, he hoped to work out his sexual issues, but found that he was more confused than ever.

Said Short:  "I can't decide if:  I am a heterosexual stuck in a lesbian's body, a lesbian stuck in a LBGT's body, a SWGF, a SWGM seeking a SAM, a FCM seeking a SAW, a fetishist, a Wuxi Sexpat in a Sumo Wrestler's body, Mango-like, a lesbian stuck in a gay male's body, a homophobe, a heterophobe, a self-hating lesbian heterosexual, or a pervert!  It is all so confusing!  But the sex therapists in the Wuxi Expatdom, at least, are cheap!"

Short said he looked forward to going to Room 101, the Expatdom's latest bondage club, and seeing if he could find himself and his sexual identity."

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