Thursday, December 22, 2011

Conga Line Exuberance Injuries fill Wuxi China Expatdom Hospitals

Injuries from Massive conga line celebrations that took place after the coup attempt against Wuxi China Expatdom Film Appreciation Society (WCEFAS) President Harry Moore failed, have strained the resources of Wuxi China Expatdom Hospitals.

Doctor Marcus Welby, director of the Wuxi China Expatdom Saint Aloisius Hospital, the biggest hospital in the Expatdom, says that patients have had to lie on stretchers in the all the hallways of his hospital.  Added Doctor Welby:  "It is so busy that we even have them taking up all the spaces in the maternity wards!"

An estimated one million Expats were injured when "a kink" developed in the two billion person long conga line which was formed after it was announced that  WCEFAS President Moore had been released by coup plotters.

1 comment:

  1. Strange that this article mentions maternity wards being filled to over-capacity
