Sunday, December 4, 2011

Wuxi China Expatdom is now the world's top destination for Connoisseurs of Chinese Food

Now that every other Chinese Expatdom is a colony of the Wuxi China Expatdom, it stands to reason that the WCE is the best place in the world to get a Chinese meal.

Formerly regarded as primitive, unexotic and lacking in imagination, the local cuisine of the WCE was universally lambasted for its over-reliance on sugar.  But now that every Chinese Expatdom Colony has a representative along with a staff of local cooks in the WCE, the WCE can now boast of having the widest and most delicious range of Chinese Food in the world.

Madame Brassart, leading food critic, has raised Wuxi China Expatdom cuisine in her estimation from the worst to the creme of the creme.  "Now only in the Wuxi China Expatdom can you get Hefei Monkey's Brains, Ningbo braised lamb's feet, Guilin Crocidile Cutlets, Beijing Roast Chicken, Suzhou Deep Dish Pizza, Kunming Roast Beef Sandwiches, Jiangyin Crab Cakes, Wuhan Perogies, Shandong noodles with vegimine, Shanxi Fried Pork Knees, Shaanxi Deep Fried Pork Ankles, Beijing Beans and Pork in BBQ Sauce, Nanjing Cheese Cake, Xuzhou Chicken Vindaloo, Ma Shan Macaroni and Cheese, Ling Shan Macaroni and Tofu, Kunming Boiled Carp, Beixin Broiled Chicken Breast, Taixin Tangy and Tender Pork Ribs, and the Sichuan Senior's Melt.  So when you come to the Wuxi China Expatdom, not only should you bring your mountain climbing gear, golf clubs, scuba equipment, ice skates, elbow pads, knee pads, mining equipment, and your ideas, you should bring your appetite!"

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